What is Sleep Token?
Sleep Token is a UK established band, led by main singer Vessel. There is II who is the drummer, III is the bassist and IV takes care of the guitar and most of the screaming vocals.
The lead singer is named Vessel. Meaning that they are but a vessel for others to speak through. Trying to impress or even just be usesful for a deity named Sleep. Although they may be well-known, they don't want to be famous, they want to be heard.

Their music has no definitive genre, only that they posses the ability to be categorized in so many different genres. If you listen with an open heart and mind, you will find yourself on unexpected journeys of exploration and learning.
The image in the middle is the workings of the greatest artist I know, my daughter, Miss Lyla S. We have enjoyed Sleep Token together for the past year and it has been a great journey. Our car rides are more enjoyable now since we blast their music as loud as tolerable. I can honestly say that Sleep Token has affected our lives in more ways than one, for the better.